Get involved as a volunteer
There are two general types of volunteers: those who are experienced web professionals and those who are not. Here's a bit about each.
Web Professionals
There are many types of web professionals - project managers, front end developers, back end developers, designers, user experience experts, information architects, and others. We put together teams of folks with complimentary skills suited to each project. We encourage, but do not require, that the teams use WordPress to build the sites for their nonprofits, so developers with experience working with WordPress are especially helpful.
Teams work together collaboratively to create a website for their nonprofit organization. Team members used to working in an iterative, dynamic style are helpful as traditional waterfall project management doesn't work with such a compressed timeline.
Everyone arrives at Website Weekend in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation, so teams have fun working with one another, getting to know some new folks, and producing work they can be proud of and that will do good in the local community for years to come.
Non-web professionals
If you don't have experience coding or designing, no worries! You can still partipate in Website Weekend and your help is much needed and appreciated. You can help in the lead-up to the event by being on the organizing team and helping to work out all the logistics of making the event happen. You can also volunteer the weekend of the event to help get folks checked in, to pick up and set out meals and snacks, to keep the venue neat and tidy, to fold tshirts and stuff goody bags, and lots more.